Mr. Mohamed Benalilou

Mr. Mohamed Benalilou

Biography of the Mediator of the Kingdom of Morocco 

Mr. Mohamed Benalilou
Mediator of the Kingdom 

Decorations received:
National Medal of Honor, Grand Officer. 

Professional experience. Judicial duties:
♦Judge at the Court of Cassation. Judge at the Administrative Court of Rabat, Investigating Judge at the Special Court of Justice in Rabat, Judge at the Court of First Instance of Tangier.
Administrativeresponsibilities and tasks:
♦ Head of the Administrative and Training Pole of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power; Director of Human Resources at the Ministry of Justice; Director of Studies, Cooperation and Modernization at the Ministry of Justice and Liberties; Chief of Staff to the Minister of Justice and Liberties; Advisor to the Minister of Justice on Criminal Policy; Head of the Criminal Cases Section of the Ministry of Justice; Head of the Department for the Implementation of Judicial Decisions in Criminal Matters at the Ministry of Justice.
♦ Member of the National Committee for the Consideration of Tax Appeals.
♦ Member of the Financial Information Processing Unit (a specialized body in combating money laundering).
♦ Member of the High Commission for the Reform of the Justice System; Member of the National Advisory Group for the Project for the Modernization of Public Prosecutions in the Arab States within the framework of the United Nations Development Programme; Member of the Group of Governmental Experts submitted by States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption for the review process.
♦ Member of the Arab Group of Governmental Experts for Self-Assessment of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (AGEG).
♦ Founding member of the Arab Anti-Corruption Network and Integrity and Transparency Support.
♦ Coordinator of the Moroccan central authority entrusted with the responsibility and authority to receive, execute or transmit requests for mutual legal assistance to the relevant authorities in accordance with article 46, paragraph 13, of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. 

University certificates:
♦Bachelor of Law, Private Law Division. 

Professional Certificates:
♦ Graduation certificate from the Higher Institute of Judicial Studies; Training certificate on the subject: "Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice" issued by the Korea International Cooperation Agency; Certificate of Training of Trainers in "Financial Law", delivered by the National School of Magistracy in Paris; Certificate of Training of Trainers in "Bioterrorism", delivered by the International Judicial Police Organization (INTERPOL) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
♦ Certificate of Training of Trainers in "Research and Investigation of Modern Crimes", delivered by the National Institute for Social and Criminal Studies in Cairo.
♦ Certificate of completion of all advanced requirements for combating money laundering and terrorist financing, delivered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of the United States of America (FDIC).
International Activities and Conferences:
♦ Participation in numerous international conferences dealing with combating corruption, organized crime, terrorism crimes, human rights and international criminal judicial cooperation.
Activities and scientific contributions 

♦A book entitled "The crime of incitement to terrorism:
♦ the problem of reconciling freedom of expression with the necessities of punishment" (February 2014);
♦ a study on the topic: "The reality of the work of the Public Prosecution in Morocco between judicial practice and the guarantee of rights and freedoms" for the benefit of the Arab Center for Integrity and Transparency in Beirut; Publication of many legal and judicial articles.
♦ Framing of many seminars and study days organized by international and national organizations for the benefit of a group of judges, members of public prosecutions, judicial police officers, and officials in charge of research tasks in environmental crimes. 

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